With ghostwriting services and book design from The Life Story Lady, Rebecca Skinner, author, editor and journalist. Phone Rebecca now for an obligation free chat on 0401 808 335.
'The best thing I ever did is to contact you. Your professional expertise, your encouragement and the tender loving care with which you retold my story so eloquently without losing my voice is a true testimonial to your character. I cannot imagine making this journey without you and I know that you will continue making others as happy as you have made me.' - Helen Milentijevic
'Looking at my book I am absolutely flabbergasted. It really is above all expectations It shows what actually happened but in such a manner you really live it. The family will certainly treasure it.' - Anne Hopkins
- 'I'm ecstatic. I think my book is wonderful, absolutely outstanding,' - John Dwyer
- WHY YOUR LIFE STORY OR MEMOIR IS SO IMPORTANT So many of us are geographically isolated, no longer able to sit by our grandparents’ knee and hear them tell their life story. I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time as a child with one grandmother and my favourite times were when she told me stories about when she was young. My mother died when I was a teenager and I became isolated from my now deceased father, so I’ve missed out on so much family history and wonderful family stories. Those I know I have told my own daughter, but she was scared of forgetting them, so urged me to write them down for her. 'Gift to My Daughter' was my first life story book. She and her friends were so impressed that I started getting bookings for creating similar books for other people.
- MY BACKGROUND As a journalist working in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio and interviewing people all over the world, my fascination with human beings and what makes them tick has always been my driving force. I know that everyone has a wonderful story of their life to tell. And once I discovered the huge health benefits, both physical and mental, to people who relate their life story or memoir, I became even more excited to be working in this field.
- YOU DON'T NEED TO BE FAMOUS! While famous people have traditionally had the monopoly on biographies and autobiographies, the life stories of ordinary folk are just as important. In fact the need to tell and hear stories is essential to mankind, apparently second in necessity after nourishment, even before love and shelter. It’s how humans process the world around them and how they learn.
- THE GREATEST GIFT TO PASS ON A life story or family history is a hugely valuable legacy for younger generations who need to understand where they come from as it offers a vital sense of belonging.
- FOR THE PERSON WHO HAS EVERYTHING... A life story book makes the ideal gift for an elderly person who may already have everything they need. A few hours spent with a compassionate interviewer and writer who can translate their biography or family story into a compelling book could be ideal for marking a special age or anniversary and it’s something family members can all financially contribute to.
- CAN I AFFORD IT AND CAN I AFFORD NOT TO DO IT? Rebecca can create life story or memoir books to suit all budgets from $400 upwards depending on length of text and number of images. It's the sort of project many people think about but never get round to - until it's too late. This is why it's so important to do it now!
* READ THE LIFE STORY OF ANNE HOSKINS, 'FOLLOW YOUR HEART' HERE /uploads/1/2/6/6/12666896/anne_hoskins_-_life_story.pdf

REBECCA SKINNER, Editor and Author
Celebrating Life's Chapters
E: [email protected]
P: 0401 808 335
Covering Sydney, Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Port Stephens,
Central Coast and Tamworth regions and more..
Celebrating Life's Chapters
E: [email protected]
P: 0401 808 335
Covering Sydney, Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Port Stephens,
Central Coast and Tamworth regions and more..